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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Only in Florida 8/6/2013

       Alcohol can make people to strange inexplicable things. Recently, a Daytona man had a bit to much to drink, and decided to take a very early morning drive. The man, one Leon J. Lovelady of Daytona, however, had to overcome a few hurdles blocking him from his cruse around town.

     First of all, he didn't have a licence. However, the alcohol must have been whispering in Lovelady's ear that he didn't need to worry about such a minor technicality. Ignoring his first problem, Lovelady went about solving his next one. To go on his midnight ride, he actually needed to have a car. Lovelady solved that predicament, when he procured the keys to his visiting sister's Chevy Blazer.

     With everything going swimmingly so far, Lovelady made one last stop before he left. Apparently not content to go out by his self, Lovelady woke up both his four year old and his eight year old nephews to take them along for the ride.

     At some point things took a turn for the worse, which inevitably happens when one goes out drunk driving, and the SUV wound up with it's nose stuck in a water filled ditch. As police approached the vehicle, one of the two siblings could be seen holding an empty vodka bottle. Lovelady, clearly intoxicated, told the officers, “that he had a couple of shots of gin just prior to the crash.”

     While, the two children were unharmed in the accident, they were a little shaken up by all that had happened prior to it. The children told officers, “Uncle Leon was trying to hurt us, driving fast, turning the music up loud, and almost hitting stuff.”

Lovelady racked up a string of charges on his little jaunt. He was charged with grand theft of a motor vehicle, no valid driver's license, driving under the influence and two counts of child abuse.

Other news in brief:

Report: Woman tears up clothes; man responds with cane - Spare the rod, spoil the wife (rolls eyes and shakes head).

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